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Dental Hygiene Therapy

Dental Cleaning

Professional, efficient, complete dental cleanings are what we do best! When you come to our clinic, your dental cleaning, or as we like to call it: Dental hygiene Therapy will include:

Oral Evaluation: How is your current oral hygiene affecting your mouth? Do you have bleeding or receeding gums? Do you have sensitive teeth?  Prior to your cleaning, a thorough evaluation of your gums and oral tissues will be done, along with an assessment of your medical and dental history. Your dental hygienist will also record any existing restorations and enamel defects. An assessment for abnormal oral lesions will also be done. 

Scaling: The process of scaling removes the hard deposits called tartar or calculus that have accumulated on your teeth. At OraSmile, we use the EMS PIEZON No-Pain technology to painlessly and safely remove these hard deposits on your teeth, crowns and implants, helping you keep them everlasting!

Air-Flow: At OraSmile, we are proud to use an advanced technique called Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) using Swiss technology ( EMS AirFlow Prophylaxis Master ) to efficiently remove staining and biofilm above and below the gumline. By using a disclosing agent, we can see exactly where the disease causing plaque/biofilm is hiding before we start the treatment. Then, we use AirFlow technology which uses warm water and erythritol powder to remove it all, along with stubborn stains leaving your teeth smooth, shiny and healthy. There is no more need for any gritty polishing paste! 

GBT contributes to the improvement of gum disease, prevention of tooth decay, and other systemic health issues. It is safe for all ages.

Your mouth will thank you.

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